Part 41

Behind the Heian Jingu shrine, cherry
blossoms weep into sky-coloured ponds.
A week early, a week late, there would
have been no pink canopy between
silence and sky. Transience, perhaps, is
the final gauge of unbearable beauty.
An extended longing, an occasional

alleviation. Like raindrops. Or love.
Dead flowers mix with the soil and
become other things: fruits, different
flowers, a bird. Ephemeral things. When
love runs out, it becomes a poem. A
forever being. A trellis of quiet words
peering into the water. Like tree rings, a

poem cut open can tell you its age.
Meaning grows inside it in concentric
circles. Each measuring the growing
distance between poem and poet. Poet
and love. What if we had another hour?
Another month? Another way? The
kurinji flower blooms once in twelve

years in the Nilgiris, staining the low
mountains blue. We are tethered to
primal timetables. Spring. Summer.
Tide. By the pond, the poem waits,
watching another generation of golden
koi swish their tails as they swim,
heedless, through its metered shadow.

(Kyoto, Japan)

29 thoughts on “Part 41

  1. nbearable beauty indeed. Soon the Japanese cherry blossoms will bloom out front – they hold me enthralled for the weeks they are here – a miracle re-enacted every year, new each time. I love “When love runs out, it becomes a poem.” Beautiful.


  2. You have a knack for connecting the real and surreal. And this image: ” … blossoms weep into sky-coloured ponds” is one I have seen many times in my corner of the world but have never articulated so succinctly and beautifully.


  3. Yep, this goes on my favorites list – no small feat. I adore the hell out of the imagery. Please give it the read aloud treatment. I love the sound of it when I read it out loud to myself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Rommy. So glad to make it to that list!! I so so wish you had recorded it when you read it out loud… that would have been a treat to listen to! But yes, when I get back to doing audio, will read this one for sure!


  4. This passage … gorgeous! “Meaning grows inside it in concentric circles. Each measuring the growing distance between poem and poet. Poet
    and love. What if we had another hour? Another month? Another way?”


  5. A good parking place, by the pond, for the used poems.
    I also like especially the thought of ” Like tree rings, a poem
    cut open can tell you its age.” That can work more ways
    than one, elements and contents change. I immediately
    thought of form, in years of ago, yours would not rate it
    as a poem because of the syllabled prose style writing.
    But I like it, I am not good at all writing the latter.


  6. “A poem cut open can tell you its age.” Best line of the day! And how precious is the “‘blue flower” that blooms once in twelve years! This is another beautiful piece with vivid imagery.


  7. “Behind the Heian Jingu shrine, cherry
    blossoms weep into sky-coloured ponds.”

    “A trellis of quiet words
    peering into the water. Like tree rings, a

    poem cut open can tell you its age.”

    Just a couple of examples of how beautifully you write.


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